Canine Massage and Transformational Breath ®
Mary Kennedy

In the Presence of Animals
Mary Kennedy is a Certified Canine Massage Provider, through THE LANG INSTITUTE FOR CANINE MASSAGE. She has thirty years experience in the holistic health field, and now consults people on the "total picture" of their animals' health. Her service is provided to people and their pets located in Longmont, Lafayette, Boulder, Erie Colorado and the surrounding area.
Mary incorporates the use of HEALING TOUCH FOR ANIMALS techniques into massage sessions. HTA is a bio-field therapy that supports the body to heal itself by helping balance and clear the body's energy systems. When combined with massage it allows optimal physiological responses, supports the body and relaxes the animal.
In addition to exercise and massage, Mary discusses diet, supplements, and lifestyle to achieve optimal health. She teaches classes in Canine Massage, Basic Energy Work and Animal Communication. Pet Food classes are also offered so that you can make the most informed decisions on feeding your animals higher quality foods for healthier lives.

Interested in scheduling a therapeutic and relaxing professional massage for your dog? Call 303.579.2903
Swimming with dolphins in Bimini, this summer was such an amazing treat for me! The dolphins’ message is about living with joy, playing, breathing fully, and being present. I went with Joan Ranquet, the Animal Communicator, and some very special humans.
Interested in my services?
With Mary Kennedy
To transform means to go beyond form. Transformational Breath® is an intense process that goes beyond the form to access the subconscious realm where mental and emotional traumas are stored. Many researchers believe this suppressed material causes our less than optimal performances in life. Once we deal with these inner issues, we are able to live with greater fulfillment and satisfaction. We discover we can resolve long-standing trauma, move beyond our previous limitations, and experience bliss consciousness. After we clear our subconscious restrictions, the way is open to connect with the soul. This connection can lead to mystical experience, great insight, and enhanced awareness of the oneness of all things. These experiences change our perceptions and resolve stress.
Consider the pattern of breathing as a metaphor of how we live our lives. As we restrict our breathing, dampen and repress our emotional responses, we are likewise restricting our lives. By focusing our minds and directing our breath, we open ourselves to a more positive and healthier life experience. Needless to say, as our emotional life opens, physical restrictions resolve. I invite you to create this experience for yourself.
I practiced Transformational Breath® overseas a few years ago and it transformed my life completely.
Then, I had a break for a while and restarted doing it again.
Recently, I had private Transformational Breath® sessions with Mary. And my life is changing again: My wishes started to come true easily after my sessions with her. A true miracle…